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Plug In Jack 2
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***you need itunes to run this program. if you don't have it here for free...***

*****the podcast your hearing now is all i can really get running at this point. i'm working on streaming songs...but i'm a bit of an idiot with dhese-dhere computers. so...please check back***** 
it is a collection of songs from the Extended Play Series released by Click/Track. the series is a constant release of 5-6 song EP's ranging in different style, sound, writing and personel. right now it is three people.
Frank Hanyak- drum, vox, guitar, bass
Leo McClusky- guitar and vox
Ron Strebel- bass, vox
this present personel has been going for about a year. on/off that is. Low-Fi's EP1 and some other interests are leading to some live performance this summer maybe...Low-Fi is actually a project designed for the studio. we're never opposed to shows ofcourse. but the love of writing(composition) is why this has kept developing...and still does. the podcast is going to grow...and you are going to here songs change on this podcast. new ideas, vocal harmonies changing, lyrics being switched around and re-written. it's a podcast of Low-Fi in progression. 
for now enjoy the music...
finally...i can use this bands recording. The Dogs! definitely the band that i buds...
i'm pretty happy about friend Serene Dominic from Phoenix AZ. has been added to the most recent podcast.
****go to the links page, hop to Dom's website and download the cybersingle of the week****
     Serene and The Dogs were the two bands i actually enjoyed just being a drummer with. it was the two times the band wasn't filled up with i wish i was a rockstar jackasses walking in around in thrift store stretch pants and appaulling stripper girlfriends...
but enough of that...get the hell into the show and enjoy...
chow for now

Email Frank

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